Tuesday, January 11, 2022

{Release Blitz & Book Review}: Juniper Hill by Devney Perry

Juniper Hill by Devney Perry is now live!

Memphis Ward arrives in Quincy, Montana, on the fifth worst day of her life. She needs a shower. She needs a snack. She needs some sanity. Because moving across the country with her newborn baby is by far the craziest thing she's ever done.
But maybe it takes a little crazy to build a good life. If putting the past behind her requires a thousand miles and a new town, she'll do it if it means a better future for her son. Even if it requires setting aside the glamour of her former life. Even if it requires working as a housekeeper at The Eloise Inn and living in an apartment above a garage.
It's there, on the fifth worst day of her life, that she meets the handsomest man she's ever laid eyes on. Knox Eden is a beautiful, sinful dream, a chef and her temporary landlord. With his sharp, stubbled jaw and tattooed arms, he's raw and rugged and everything she's never had--and never will. Because after the first worst day of her life, Memphis learned a good life requires giving up on her dreams too. And a man like Knox Eden will only ever be a dream.

Download today on Amazon, Apple Books, Audible, Google Play, Kobo, Barnes & Noble!

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Apple Books: https://geni.us/ChXAw

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Kobo: https://geni.us/MQulv2F

Google Play: https://bit.ly/3G1ONHY


Audible: https://adbl.co/3zvIl9R

Narrated by: Maxine Mitchell & Jason Clarke


Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3ipx2IX


Meet Devney

Devney is a USA Today bestselling author who lives in Washington with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her family. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she's discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop.

Connect with Devney

Website: www.devneyperry.com

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2kncXnb

Amazon: https://geni.us/nAXkP

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/devneyperrybooks

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/324585607979213/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/devneyperry

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/devneyperry

Bookbub: http://bit.ly/2v1Hr7t

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/devneyperry



Superb small town, single parent romance which flutters like butterflies in the heart. This soft and tender story will definitely endear you to devney style of writing. 
I always feel a certain thrill whenever I pick up a Devney Book. Not only she's a prolific writer, she's polished and poised. Her prose is very graceful, trimmed and concise, no loose threads, no unnecessary frivolity. I'm an ardent admirer of her stories and with every new series she introduces us to a new small town in scenic Montana. 
Quincy hosts this second love story from the Pioneers Edens, who decades ago established this town.
Knox is the chef in the Inn run by his sister Eloise and the newest employee is Memphis Ward, a girl on the run from her past, her family and her life as a poor little rich girl.
She's at her wits end and down to her last dollar. 
Tired, dejected, teary but she still hangs on to her last thread of sanity for her baby.


"This could all stop. The hard work. The tears. The pain. All I had to do was answer that call. All I had to do was hit that green button. All I had to do was sacrifice . . . me. All I had to do was give up. " 

But what nobody accounted for was the steely determination New York Memphis possessed when she became Mom Memphis. 
The story is paved with hurdles, fraught with insecurities, pockmarked with struggles. But Devney instills a hope where none exists and steers her characters towards new lease on life for both Knox and Memphis. 
Knox is rugged as the terrain and as steadfast as the mountains of his home state. Solid, dependable with shoulders broad enough to bear his burden and of those he loved.


"Tall. Broad. Tattooed. Gorgeous. 

God knows both need it so bad. There's poignant tears shed at numerous instances, a certain tenderness that exists solely in the stories involving babies. I'm a huge sucker for them and this book has oodles of adorable moments.
This is the second book in the series, with the third one already announced, I'm already so excited for it. 
5 stars for All The Best Days 

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