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I was a Master.
To understand me, you must understand my past.
My father was a Master. My mother his Courtesan.
I was raised in a business that trained women to become whores for the men that owned them. I was taught to train with a strict hand...but to seduce with a kind heart.
Although my mother was one of those golden whores, the women broken and rebuilt to become everything their owner could desire, my mother - in her wisdom and beauty - trapped the heart of her Master.
Through her perseverance, she never let the man go.
Naturally, I followed in his footsteps, not once finding love, but almost gaining a son.
My heart was destroyed on a clear summer day when my child was stripped from my hands. Redemption for my crimes was lost, and loneliness like a man should never know was gained.
Until I found Seraphina...
She thought she could deny me. She thought she could choose her fate or determine the course her life would run. She thought she would never love another because she couldn't love herself.
With a shattered heart and rebellious mind, she believed her life was broken. She chose death as an avenue to escape the life she was given, and she believed there was nobody who could stand in her way.
As her Master, it was my duty to show her...
...that all her beliefs were wrong.

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Lily White is a dark writer who likes to dabble on the taboo side of eroticism. She is most known for her Masters Series (Her Master’s Courtesan and Her Master’s Teacher), Target This, Hard Roads, and Asylum. She’s co-authored Serial (a four part serial series). When she isn’t writing as Lily White you can find other books by her under M.S. Willis where she has penned the Control Series, the Estate Series, Because of Ellison (contemporary romance), and Standard Romance Story (Romance Comedy). Lily enjoys stretching her writing muscles by continuing to challenge herself with each book she publishes. In addition to writing, Lily is an avid reader, gummy bear slayer, and a gold medalist in puppy naps.

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We waited and waited for another book in the Her Master’s Series…The wait was certainly worth the wait. This is book 3 in the series but can still be read as a standalone if you have not read the previous books.
In this book we meet Seraphina (Sera) a broken, lost, at her wits end and ready to throw away everything young lady. Trained as a courtesan, sold and abused, she has finally escaped and trying to survive.
Aiden is trying to survive in his world that has been turned upside down in the worst imaginable way!
Together Aiden and Sera will save each other if Master Anthony doesn’t enforce the ‘rules’ of the Society.
What a ride!
In this book we meet Seraphina (Sera) a broken, lost, at her wits end and ready to throw away everything young lady. Trained as a courtesan, sold and abused, she has finally escaped and trying to survive.
Aiden is trying to survive in his world that has been turned upside down in the worst imaginable way!
Together Aiden and Sera will save each other if Master Anthony doesn’t enforce the ‘rules’ of the Society.
What a ride!
Master Aiden has always been the most intriguing and mesmerizing of all the villains I've read.......ever!. The MoFo has the cruelest streak and hardest hand when training courtesan.
Though the book has Seraphina & Anthony at the centre of all turmoil, This story has Aiden's shadow all over. He is still in charge, holding the whip and Sera's heart.
"He cast you aside after forcing you to love him. He handed you to the wolves, beautiful girl. He didn't care whether you lived or died. But he can still have you. No matter how much you hate him, he can still do to your body what he does to hers. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it."
Sera is jumping over the cliff..literally and her life has been nothing but surviving in a pit full of ghosts of her past. She's had enough . So she finds a nearest cliff to say goodbye to the cruel world but as fate would have it , Anthony saves her.
Sera actually dies on the bridge, a new sera takes her place . Finders keepers as they say .Her life , graciously saved by Anthony, now belongs to him. To break her and rebuild her again. But you can't break the already broken, you can't scare a woman who has nothing left to lose, no will to live. She craves pain, wants torture, begs for death.
An uphill task ahead for both masters indeed. Here's where The astuteness of being a True Master comes into being.
Aiden takes over ( Yessss!!)
"A Master does his job by knowing his slave better than the slave knows themself. We read what a person is saying through non-verbal cues. We know when they've been pushed too far, and we know when they need to be pushed farther."
The story in part is really amazing, the parts where Aiden steps in , that is. Anthony is all heart and soft emotions. Sera is broken and struggling, only Aiden has the ability to foresee everything and set it right.
The most amazing parts were how Aiden walks her through her torture , in order to heal her. He can sense which parts of her life haunt her, give her nightmares and since poison kills poison, he walks her through them, in turn purging her demons.
"What will it be, Seraphina? Do you fight for your life or give in?"
So Bravo for that Ms white !!
Some places I felt that the scenes was left undescribed. The real dark themes that lily is famous for were more fade to black. The theme was very intense, mood of the story ominous . Yet somewhere it just left me hungry for more.
She's still the True Black Blood Queen of The Dark , no doubt , the book is excellent, just not my favorite of the series.
The END!! .. Master Aiden actually admits something!* gasp*
I'm gonna have to buy skates , cause the Hell has frozen over !!!
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