Monday, October 25, 2021

{Release Blitz & Book Review}: Indigo Ridge by Devney Perry

Indigo Ridge by Devney Perry is now live!

Winslow Covington believes in life, liberty and the letter of the law. As Quincy, Montana's new chief of police, she's determined to prove herself to the community and show them she didn't earn her position because her grandfather is the mayor.

According to her pops, all she has to do is earn favor with the Edens. But winning over the town's founding family might have been easier if not for her one-night stand with their oldest son. In her defense, it was her first night in town and she didn't realize that the rugged and charming man who wooed her into bed was Quincy royalty.

Sleeping with Griffin Eden was a huge mistake, one she's trying to forget. He's insufferable, arrogant and keeps reminding everyone that she's an outsider. Winslow does her best to avoid Griffin, but when a woman is found dead on Eden property, the two of them have no choice but to cross paths.

As clues to the murderer lead to one of Quincy's own, Griffin realizes Winslow is more than he gave her credit for. Beautiful and intelligent, she proves hard to resist. For him. And the killer.


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Narrated by: Vanessa Edwin & Jason Clarke




Meet Devney

Devney is a USA Today bestselling author who lives in Washington with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her family. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she's discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop.

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Scintillating. Ravishing. Spine-chilling, If you like swoon-worthy swagtastic heroes, off the charts chemistry, with sizzling romance and a huge dollop of thrilling Mystery thrown in, Indigo Ridgeis the place to start.
DEVOURED this book ignoring rest of the world, ignoring my son who was visiting for mere hours, well into the night till I started seeing double. Then wanting to lick the crumbs clean off my plate, I downloaded a bonus epilogue and slurped it in one hefty gulp too.
Indigo Ridge is the perfect opening Performance to what will definitely be a phenomenal series. In the polished and precise narrative hands of Devney, who has always given us unforgettable small town series one after the other from her beloved home of Montana state #GoBobcats!!
I can bet my top dollar to that.
So here's how it starts. this girl and a Guy walk into a bar called Willie's and soon their steam fogged up the back seat windows of his pick up truck. that is the story that shall be told to the generations of Edens to come.

"Griffin Eden. 
My one-night stand. 
So much for serendipity."


It's a small town. Quincy Montana. The air is crisp, the sky blue, the air fresh. And it's founded and flourished by the Edens. 

"The running joke in town is that you can’t throw a rock without hitting an Eden.” 

Where everybody not only knows your name, they know your business before you leave the home for coffee, by afternoon they know who you've slept with and by evening your intentions are well churned in the gossip mill. Of course this town is also family. related or adopted and they don't like outsiders much so fitting in as new Chief Of Police is an uphill task for Winslow Covington, who's also the Mayor's granddaughter.


First week is spent getting glared or ignored by her staff, almost stalked by the town journalist, stepping on too many barmen's toes and blatantly called an outsider.
But Devney has designed her heroine with so much tenacity and stubborn perseverance that she flips the townspeople one friendly cop gesture at a time.
Griffin Eden is a man I want all my heroes to be like. Handsome, strong,sensible. 


"Griffin Eden was tantalizing. Magnetic. Rugged and bold. And naked in my bed." 

The best part about the story is the level of maturity by which Devney has designed her character. There are no silly misunderstandings, overabundance of inner monologues or inane and reckless behaviours from heroine or the hero.

"It took me three seconds too many to shed my personal bias and grasp that these people—neighbors, friends—were not as they seemed. 
Three seconds too many. 
Before the lights went out."

Everything is measured, weighed and instilled, not wasting a single unneeded word or frivolous detail inserted. Her command of pace is fantastic. The story does not skip nor stall and is steady throughout.
A tiny glimpse of Juniper Hill and my salivation is beyond control.
I'm giddy with excitement, on tenterhooks till the next book.

5 stars for 
One Jump.
One Trip.
One Step 
One Fall

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