Monday, May 16, 2022

{Release Blitz & Book Review}: June First by Jennifer Hartmann


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π—π˜‚π—»π—² π—™π—Άπ—Ώπ˜€π˜ by USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Hartmann is LIVE and FREE in Kindle Unlimited! 

Don’t miss this angsty, forbidden standalone!


Want to know what happens to a man who barely claws his way out of a tragedy, only to fall right into the arms of the one girl in the world he can never have? Another tragedy, that's what. 

 When I was six years old, my father made a choice that altered the course of my entire life. Because of what he did, the only girl I ever loved became the only girl I couldn’t have. In a lot of ways, I did have her… I had her first steps, her first words, her first smile. I had her milestones, her heartbreaks, her dreams. I had her heart so woven in with mine, I didn’t know where she ended, and I began. Only, as the years pressed on, lines became blurred—and the blurrier the line, the easier it is to cross. They say tragedy comes in threes. For me, that was true. The first one changed me, the second one broke me, and the third one healed me. But at the center of all that tragedy… there is a love story. And at the center of that love story, There is June. 

  GOODREADS ➜ June-First-Available-Now

Jennifer Hartmann resides in northern Illinois with her husband and three children. 
When she is not writing love stories, she is capturing them through wedding photography with her own personal romance hero. 
She enjoys sunsets (because mornings are hard), bike riding, traveling, and that time of day when coffee gets replaced by wine. 
Jennifer loves tacos, and she really, really wants to pet your dog. Xoxo



If slow burn had a poster child, this book would be it. I had to put down the book frequently to catch my breath and wipe my tears a lot. My utmost favourite trope - Forbidden/Tabboo, by my newest Author im obsessed with it's a perfect combination and I was giddy with excitement when the book landed on my kindle. It's the saddest-sweetest story told in the sweetest-saddest way.
Book weeps in bereavement of love so forbidden, the characters go out of their way in the opposite direction. 


"Forbidden. Illicit. Scandalous. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong. 

The ache of wanting the unsaid, that resides in deepest parts of the hearts of Brant Elliott & June Bailey, where no sunshine can reach to give it growth. Their love is enveloped in darkness, becoming one with unresolved sins.
I cried bucket loads throughout. I bet the pages are soggy with my hot tears . 

"I let it eat me up inside like battery acid, eroding my skin and gnawing at my bones. It felt like a disease. A cancer, rotting me from the inside out. " 

I've never seen agonizing yearning so acute, it punctured a hole in my soul. Hartmann roasts them alive on a slow turning pit, enhancing and prolonging their distress tenfold.
I've never wanted the main lead to come closer and end up together, as badly as I've wanted Elliott and his Junebug.


Throughout the book, Torment is the dominant emotion. Hartmann excels at writing stories steeped in anguish and heartache like none other. But this book is pure affliction from page one to the last. 
Midway through,to twist the knife even further, she turns our worlds upside down. As if we didn't have enough to cry over, she creates scenarios that elicit ugly cry of the kardashian proportions.
You've been warned. It's not pretty at all!!


To say that the book took a toll on me would be the understatement of the year. 
Three unsullied, pure hearts start their life together. Bound by an invisible string of sibling Iove, Theo, June & Elliott are as innocent and godly as they come. Somewhere between childhood and adult life, the entangled lives get messy and unidentifiable. Or maybe the world isnt ready to label it, so they remain in relationship limbo. 

"Lines were starting to blur. And if there’s anything in this world that can mess a man up inside and drive him to the brink of insanity, it’s a blurred line." 


Hartmann makes them earn their validation. Puts them through unimaginable pain to accept their destiny and therein lies the beauty of this wholesome love story. 
A standing ovation for this brilliant author who's destined to be the next B-I-G thing

"Over the Rainbow dress, where skies are blue. Where dreams come true." 


5 stars for Rehabilitation Of Hearts

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