Tuesday, April 26, 2022

{Release & Book Review}: His Rule by Natasha Knight & A. Zavarelli


  HIS RULE (The Rite Trilogy Book 1) by A. Zavarelli and Natasha Knight 
  Release Date: April 26th 
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance/Secret Society/Captive Romance   

  AVAILABLE NOW!!! Amazon US: https://geni.us/HisRule 
  Amazon Universal: https://geni.us/HisRuleUniversal 


  Her Rebellion #2 releases on May 24 & Their Reign #3 releases on June 21!!! https://www.azavarelli.com/the-rite-trilogy


  I live in a world where secrecy reigns. A Society rooted in power, wealth, and long-held dynasties. Where men are Kings, and women are pawns. For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamt of escaping the shackles of my expectations. But it can only ever be a dream. I made a fatal mistake, and those shackles became a cage. Now I’m trapped in a war with a man who controls my every move. He’s my brother’s best friend. My enemy, my tormentor, and my solace. His words have the power to wound me. His touch just might break me. But this is his kingdom, and as long as I’m here I only have one choice. I’ll play by his rules.

About A. Zavarelli: 

  A. Zavarelli is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of dark and contemporary romance. When she’s not putting her characters through hell, she can usually be found watching bizarre and twisted documentaries in the name of research. She currently lives in the Northwest with her lumberjack and an entire brood of fur babies.   

  Connect w/A. Zavarelli: 

  About Natasha Knight: 
   Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over half a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.   

  Connect w/Natasha: 
  NL Signup: https://natasha-knight.com   


Intense chemistry set against the backdrop of thrumming danger, this book will keep your heart in your throat the entire time. Judge & Mercedes square off in this highly strung game of who submits first. Large energy fills the pages, you can FEEL the tension and sizzle whenever they're in the room together. Jud0ge holds her captive, to discipline her, teaching her the art of kneeling like a good Society Woman.

"Lawson “Judge” Montgomery is an unyielding, razor-sharp beast of a man.
Tasked to Get her under control. Tame her. Teach her to bend but do not break her."


Because at the end of the day she's a De La Rosa, Santiago sister. No matter how much his heart beats for her wildly or his dick jumps when she's next to his skin, he can't have her.
She's as wild and cunning as they come.
Judge has his work cut out for him, no doubt.

“I don’t want to see your face,” I choke out as I pry the collar off my neck and toss it onto the ground. “I don’t want to hear your voice. And if you touch me again, I will murder you too. So do us both a favor and just stay the hell away from me.” 

He he he 😈 its great to see a headstrong and stubborn heroine bringing a giant of a man to his knees, gnashing his teeth in frustration. It's poetic.😁


As always Zavarelli and Natasha, being the Queens of mindfucking games, embellish the story with loads of passion and twists of cruel betrayals. There's families that would have you wishing for your enemies first, there's power corrupting the people who've supposed to care for you and then there's the ghosts emerging from the foggy pasts, all bubbling in a boiling couldron of jealousy & hatred.
Phew!!it got my temperature up and I can't wait to read more in the next book!
4.5 stars for the dreadful Cottage 

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