Tuesday, June 29, 2021

{Release Blitz & Book Review}: Lessons In Sin by Pam Godwin


  LESSONS IN SIN by Pam Goodwin 
Release Date: June 29th  
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/33yV6Bf




  There’s no absolution for the things I’ve done. But I found a way to control my impulses. I became a priest. As Father Magnus Falke, I suppress my cravings. As the headteacher of a Catholic boarding school, I’m never tempted by a student. Until Tinsley Constantine. The bratty princess challenges my rules and awakens my dark nature. With each punishment I lash upon her, I want more. In my classroom, private rectory, and bent over my altar, I want all of her. One touch risks everything I stand for. My faith. My redemption. And even my life. As if that could stop me. I need her pain, and her heart, and she needs my lessons in sin.   


  About the Author: 
  New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.   Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.


  Connect w/ Pam: 
  Website: https://pamgodwin.com 



Tabboo/Forbidden is the Swan song that calls to my twisted heart in a way no other trope can. 
The dangerous thrill, sneaky stolen moments and the moral sins make a delicious broth, stirring in an emotional couldron, ready to froth over anytime. 
"Forgive me Father, For I Have Sinned" 
Add in a love story of a man searching for redemption and girl looking for escape from her oppressive family, and you have a multilayered story, the stuff dark dreams are made of.
"Being with him had been an ascension to heaven. Leaving him condemned me to eternal hell." 


My heart just tingles in delicious shivers whenever I pick a book by Pam. Her kinky, naughty bravado pushes the envelope a wee bit more in every book. Squeamish turns to erotic, abrasive love soothes like a balm, such is the magic of out-of-the-box-thinkerGodwin. All her stories are etched in brutal colors and this one has a pink hued halo to it.
Set in the world of Dangerous Romances, Constantine family's youngest princess Tinsley is a wayward rebel, packed off to cool her heels and attitudes in thick walls of Convent. Managed and governed under the iron fisted but oh-so-Delish Father Magnus Falke. 
Tinsley is a modern day Lolita tempting the Devil in collar


"This was happening. Not because I’d planned it. But because it was destined. We were inevitable. I hadn’t been called to be a priest. I’d been called to be hers." 

Of course Pam throws the age gap (18:41).
Of course it's the ripe, juicy apple Adam wants.
Of course banishment is the inevitable outcome.
But, do they care- no! 
Do WE care- also no!


"I’d broken my vows and taken the virginity of my student. The youngest daughter of the Constantines. My day of reckoning would come. Until then, I would take profuse, unholy pleasure in the sin." 
Pam made me a voyeur to the shocking intimacy of Tinsley & Magnus and couple of scenes stretched the seams of my comfort bubble. I'll confess I did read them with one eye closed, but despite that, I was like, OMG what're they doing which soon turned to I wish it was me , I was tremendously turned on, my breaths became pants and my panties became mmmmmoist!
A battle between carnal desires of the flesh vs faith in his vocation, makes Magnus a perfectly lost man. His dilemmas are hard beads on his rosary and he clutches them tightly in his hand.
But I loved the character of Tinsley. Her heart remains surprisingly soft and tender despite the cold environment she has grown up in. 

“They don’t judge. They don’t hate. If humans had hearts like opossums, what beautiful world this would be.” If people had hearts like Tinsley Constantine, my faith in humanity would be renewed." 


Pam has packed enough heat to melt the thick stone walls of the school and around Magnus's soul.
Her prose is Part elegant, part explicitly erotic and the end result is steaming dish served unbearable hot. I burned my tongue on it in my haste to devour it...you will too
Come with me and lay down on the altar for a blessing that is Magnus
"He gave me the teacher and the priest, the sinner and the sadist, the greatest of lovers and the staunch protector." 
Scorching hot Warning : Say your Hail Marys before reading it, cause you'll sin and love it!!
5 ultimate stars Tantalizing, kinky, forbidden, slow burn 

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