Tuesday, June 1, 2021

{Release Blitz & Book Review}: JEGUDIEL by Tillie Cole



They are the Fallen.

A brotherhood of murderers whose nature compels them to kill. But guided by their leader, Gabriel, the Fallen have learned to use their urges to rid the world of those it is better off without.

Control. Diel has spent his entire life under it. His childhood years were spent in the sadistic captivity of the Brethren. Now the Fallen are free, but the monster that lives inside Diel is not—can not be. The darkness within is curbed by an electric collar, the only thing that stops Diel from killing everyone in his path.

Diel’s monster yearns for freedom—the freedom to tear apart Brethren priests, as many as possible, one after the other in a frenzied, liberating spree. When Diel is granted a taste of that freedom, he expects bloodlust, violence, death.

He didn’t expect to find her.

The Fallen are not the only ones chasing the destruction of the Brethren. They were not the only ones to suffer at the priests’ hands. This Diel discovers when he stumbles upon Noa, second in command of the Coven, a group of women who are intent on bringing the Brethren down.

From the second they collide, Noa seems to understand Diel in a way that no one ever has before. She is unafraid of his rage, the bloodthirsty monster that dwells within him.

Because there is a darkness inside Noa too, and it recognises the one in Diel as if it is the missing half of her soul. For years she has tried to suppress it, but as she is inescapably drawn to the fury-filled man in the collar, she starts to wonder if she can keep up the fight.

She starts to wonder if she even should…

Dark contemporary romance. Contains sexual situations, violence, sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and topics some may find triggering. Recommended for age 18 years and up.

Tillie Cole hails from a small town in the North-East of England. She grew up on a farm with her English mother, Scottish father and older sister and a multitude of rescue animals. As soon as she could, Tillie left her rural roots for the bright lights of the big city.

After graduating from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Religious Studies, Tillie followed her Professional Rugby player husband around the world for a decade, becoming a teacher in between and thoroughly enjoyed teaching High School students Social Studies before putting pen to paper, and finishing her first novel.

After several years living in Italy, Canada and the USA, Tillie has now settled back in her hometown in England, with her husband and new son.

Tillie is both an independent and traditionally published author, and writes many genres including: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance, Young Adult and New Adult novels.

When she is not writing, Tillie enjoys nothing more than spending time with her little family, curling up on her couch watching movies, drinking far too much coffee, and convincing herself that she really doesn’t need that last square of chocolate.

Author Links 

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A sucker punch to your gut is the best way to describe the story. it will shake you to the core and leave you with disbelieving eyes and darkened soul.
It seems Ms. Cole has contrasting writer personalities in her diminutive body. She can easily tear your heart out with poignant prose as much as fuel your dark desires with words so macabre and heinous, you're saddened and nauseated most of the time.
Tillie creates a dark underworld which exists in the clear day, right under the jurisdiction of sanctimonious & pious robes. the sheer savagery of human evil makes you shudder. The barbarity seems endlessly unstoppable, until an army of saviours emerges from their hideabouts and takes them on.


It's a story about a war between good & evil and rules don't apply to any side.
A bleak and violent world where no hope exists of salvation or redemption, except a faint light of love which dispels the darkness like a candle in a dark cave.
A collared boy with a tightly leashed monster eating him alive is at the center if it all.


"The monster took and took, gaining strength with each kill, until it was a frenzied beast who only rested when its bloodlust had been sated or Gabriel turned the collar back on and forced it to retreat." 
JEGUDIEL is a Fallen brother. His rage is like a lava flowing in his veins, his collar his chain that limits his freedom.
His dark heart finds a perfect fit in COVEN sister, Noa. A thief and a Wiccan witch descendant, she's in denial of her heritage and bloodline.


“We are the Coven. A sinful band of heretics. Witches, occultists, pagans and, best of all, the devil’s favorite whores.” 
All The Fallen Brothers and Coven sisters are victims, nee survivors of the Brethren
“Raped, tortured and tried by the Brethren Witch Finders for most of our childhoods.” 


The brilliance of the story is not just in the powerful plot but the unexpected live bond that strengthens as the story progresses. I was prepared for complete annihilation of Noa after her daring escapade in The Folly, but Tillie takes the grotesque acts of atrocities performed over helpless children into one of the bizarrely strongest love story I've ever read.
"Boiled blood turned to poisoned vapor. Black tendrils broke from his flesh like an obsidian tapestry, forming claws and fangs and death, engulfing him in an armor of rage." 
The side plot of Gabriel at war with himself over the solution of "An eye for an eye" to bring down the Brethren, his shifting perspective of his calling just moved me to tears.
Cole has managed to manipulate the reader mind so skillfully that by the end I was Clutching my heart lest it jump out of my chest cause it was pounding so hard. My breath held silent at the scenes unfolding before me, I am shook, stunned speechless, somewhat distraught but wholly sated like a soldier after a long and deadly battle.
I need to recuperate and heal to prepare for the oncoming battles that are on the horizon, cause The War ain't over yet!!
5 gruesome stars for “Neo-pagan witches and fallen archangels,” 

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