Wednesday, October 10, 2018

[Release Blitz & Book Reviews]: LOVING MR. CANE by Shanora Williams

We are celebrating the release of LOVING MR. CANE by Shanora Williams! One-click now!

Designed by: By Hang Le
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When I was a little girl, Mr. Cane was my whole world.
He was perfect and handsome and the best thing to have ever happened to my family.
As I grew up, those feelings changed. I wanted him in every possible way, and I got what I’d been craving.
Then I learned things about him…dangerous things.
I was too stubborn to heed his warnings—too naive to see the complicated mess unfolding right in front of me.
My life was torn to shreds because of my desire for him, but how am I supposed to stop loving a man who still means so much to me?

I knew from the start that I should have stayed away from Kandy, but my stubborn heart wouldn’t let me.
I’ve done things I’m not proud of to get to where I am now, and because of it, monsters lurk deep within my shadows, ready to pull me under. She’s better off without me. I know it but still, I can’t let her go. She’s my girl. My everything.
I will fight for our love, even if it means losing everything I worked so hard for in the end.

Catch up with this must-read series here-->



About the Author:

Shanora Williams is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who loves writing about flawed heroes and resilient heroines. She is a believer that love outweighs all, but doesn't have a problem making her characters fight for their happily ever after.

She currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina and is the mother of two amazing boys, has a fiercely devoted and supportive fiancรฉ, and is a sister to eleven.

When she isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on Netflix while scarfing down chocolate chip cookies.


I’ve said it once, I’ve said it many times. Shanora Williams has the older man, younger woman story down pat! I absolutely love reading her OM/YW stories. 

Way back in 2013 I picked up a book by this author I’d never heard of before…. Who He Is by Shanora Williams. I have been hooked on her books since then. I have totally enjoyed watching this author blossom into a very talented author. Her work if it’s even possible, just keeps getting better and better! 

Loving Mr. Cane hit it out of the ball park! This was everything I was hoping for in the 3rd book of this series. Questions were definitely answered, we loved, and we lost. Emotionally draining is best describing how I felt reading this book. At times I was so high and enjoying Cane and Kandy in their sexy little romps in the sack. Then bam…when the dark cloud comes, it’s not just a cloudy day…it’s a storm like no other! 

It was so, so hot catching up with El Jefe! I truly loved that man in her Venom series. If you haven’t read that series…pick it up now!!! 

Kandy and Cane truly deserve to be with each other…but others don’t see it that way. Can these 2 overcome all the obstacles and get the HEA they really deserve? You’ve got to read the book to find out!!!

This series just keeps getting better and better. The emotional ride it takes you on will keep you turning pages so fast, it'll be one of those nonstop reads! Shanora just plots like a superstar and twists and turns she places at crucial junctures make your head spin! Her flawless writing just flows like a brook, I couldn't drink from it fast enough and wasn't willing to stop at all. 
In second book the horrendous act of violence committed at the fag end, results in irreversible damages in this book. Life is lost, ending future happiness and shattering wholesome dreams. My heart cried so bad at this point, it was dreadful and so unfair !! 
"Dumb and naive, that’s what I was. I’d jumped the gun and now I was suffering the consequences of my actions." 


A ghost from the past and else times just pops in to stand and help. And I just wanted to worship Lora at this time, she rose up from ashes literally to pitch in when needed.
The story was so engaging, I had barely the time or 'Tempt'ation to pick my head up and take a pause. So much happens at breakneck speed and threats just surround the lovely couple like swirling thunderstorm
"When Cane and I were in a room alone, we were amazing together— our chemistry off the charts— but out in the real world, we weren’t a good match. He was older. I was younger. He had a shaky past, and my life was just getting started. Our paths had crossed many, many times, and sometimes fate made us feel like we were winning, but our lives were passing each other, not fitting together. We happened to find an escape in each other… but that escape was over." 


So let's take a pause here. I LOVED, like ADORED this unlikely pairing, was rooting for them, cartwheeling at their joys, hugging out their sorrows and setbacks. Shanora just created the perfect Tabboo read with naive yet sensible heroine and mature yet vulnerable hero. They both just got drowned in lust and swam in love, now just want to reach ashore of acceptance. And by God, I just gave it to them! 
Enjoyed the book, couldn't believe it's stopped, but here's hoping for more to come !
5 Kandy-cane stars 

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