Tuesday, July 24, 2018

[Release Blitz, Giveaway & Book Reviews]: ADDICTION by Margaret Mcheyzer

Title: Addiction
Author: Margaret McHeyzer
Genre: Dark YA/NA
Release Date: July 24, 2018


Meth, crank, ice, glass, fire, tina, chalk, crystal or crystal meth.
Whatever you call it, it’s the same thing. Addictive.

Drugs ruin people’s lives.
I should know, they destroyed mine.
I’m Hannah and I got hooked on ice. What started as a trickle, ended with a tsunami washing everything away; my family, my life.
I’m not sure you’re ready to read my story; it’s real and confronting.
Open the book, read the pages and see how easy it is for anyone to get addicted.
Ice affects all types of people. It doesn’t discriminate.
It will SCREW. YOU. UP. 

*Dark YA/NA story- Recommended for 16+. Strong drug abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and emotional conditioning. Contains distressing content. It will cause you anger, frustration and you'll want to hurt some characters.

Purchase Links

$2.99 for release day ONLY!


Author Bio


**Write something worth reading**

I'm Margaret and I'm a self-published author.

Recently I was fortunate in obtaining New York Times best selling status on my YA/NA book - Ugly, and my YA book - Mistrust.

My last three books have been YA and I'm completely in love with the genre. I love being able to communicate with people through my words and stories.

My writing genres all differ, but the one thing I keep consistent is my heroines. All my female lead characters are strong, gutsy and not the 'perfect' woman. While my books all have romantic elements in them, they aren't just about the romance. They're about finding strength, acceptance and making life long connections.

I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I have while writing them.

Author Links


a Rafflecopter giveaway


The tagline should be considered a warning !
I'm NOT addicted
I DON'T have a problem
I can STOP at any time 
And thus is the story of destruction of an innocent teenager at the hands of Ice, Meth, Tina, Glass, Crystal! I knew the book would tear me and hurt me, but some harsh truths need to be faced in order to shield your loved ones from the dark lies prevalent in the society. Ignorance is definitely not bliss. We need to be alert and vigilant for our loved ones, because this epidemic is growing, spreading & devouring people left, right and center.
I instantly fell in love with Hannah, who is a high achiever, good student and a protected daughter. She's sunshine and laughter ; Health and happiness. Her family and friends love and support her, Her teachers encourage her, her ambitions high & future bright. She's loving life, enjoying her school, hanging out with friends. A typical teen.


Unfortunately A devil sets his sights on this precious petal and decides to crush it with a drop of his venom slipped innocuously into her drink. Such powerful is it's hold, despite unconditional love and support from her parents, friends, teachers, seemingly aware and intelligent Hannah is pulled viciously into its grasp and down the quicksand she goes, lost.....untraceable!!
I want that feeling. That endorphin high, so high I could fly past the clouds to the edge of infinity. Yes! That’s what it was. A combination of euphoric sex, mixed with sensual overdose. God, this is insane, but I can’t wait for it to happen again. 
The clutches of sexy Edgar just trap the poor girl, he imprisons her with his charm and fake security, alienates her from her family and friends and from this point on, her body is his for the taking!!
I can’t understand why this is happening, I’ve never been the type who likes being the center of attention , but something is building. It’s screaming at me to let all my self-control go and be free. This feeling is euphoric and sexy.
The beast inside is hungry, it needs to be fed.
Hell! What am I doing? My sanity is slipping. My mind is being invaded by something dangerous, yet addictive. I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t help but feel intoxicated by my own sensuality.


Being a mom, this book hit me hard and made me cry many a times. I so wanted to slap some sense into Hannah, cause I could see the Devil, she COULDN'T !. I could sense his nefarious intentions and she COULDN'T ! I could see her spiralling and she COULDN'T! What would it take for her to open her eyes and see how far down had she fallen in the rabbit hole. Where was the Rock Bottom!!. 
Omg the frustration, the angst, the helplessness I felt while reading it, I wouldn't wish it upon any parent and this is happening every day to so many kids, brothers, sisters, parents, friends, families. The situation seems hopeless and futile. But like Mendes's did, hold on to their hand a little more longer and pull them out. ( and I'm crying now !!๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
"I’m a drug addict for life, regardless how many years of sobriety I have. But i wanna tell you how easy it is to fall prey to and become a victim of something you were never looking for.” 


The story by itself is very honest and stark. Its not glorified or embellished. Margaret has adopted a very brutal and cruel tone, which just packs more power to the punch in the gut. These kinds of books are needed, they're essential and mandatory. Should be in school curriculums and every young person made to read such books to open their eyes to the evils and heinous intentions of these bottom dwelling dredges of society like Zac (since reformed) and Edgar Zaro. It's like sweeping the tide back in the sea kind of a mammoth task, but every bit helps, every child saved is a life redeemed.
The first task is to accept, then support, then talk about it with experts.
“My name is Hannah Rose Mendes, and I’m a drug addict.” 
4.5 "Warrior Hannah" stars

When I saw that Margaret McHeyzer was writing this book, I knew immediately that I would read it. There is something about addiction books that I love. They are raw, sad, emotionally disturbing. This book did not disappoint!

17-year-old Hannah has her life all figured out. Study hard, go to school every day, get accepted to college and become the elementary school teacher she’s always wanted to become. 

When her BFF Kristen invites her to her parent’s anniversary party, Hannah’s life changed from that day forward. 

Zac isn’t who Hannah thought he would be. To not stand up for her, to let a stranger talk to her like what had just happened… Nope, moving on and dropping Zac. When a guy doesn’t take care of the girl he’s with, there is no need to go any further. 

So why oh why does she keep thinking about the rude talking, drug dealer Edgar. 

Edgar is slime. He is a scumbag. He is the lowest of all low on the human chain. Predator waiting to strike out at his next victim. He has set his target and is going in… Full strength ready to stake his claim on this young, girl next door, innocent Hannah.

It’s not a pretty story. It’s not a cookie cutter book. It’s not a love at first sight, get married, have kids story. 
It’s a story of addiction and what a person goes through after that first hit. Following the chase for the next hit.
Seeking that high that feels so good. 
Even though you are not an addict…You can quit at any time. 

Well done Margaret McHeyzer on telling us Hannah’s story. Well written, flowed perfectly, emotional journey. My only thought while reading this story was, where did Zac go? Was he trying to help, did he tell anyone about their meeting, was he in on this too? Other than that, I totally enjoyed reading Addiction!!!

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