Thursday, May 10, 2018

[Release Blitz & Book Reviews]: BANE by LJ Shen



Bane, the highly-anticipated next standalone in the Sinners of Saint Series by L.J. Shen is LIVE


Naked surfer. Habitual pothead. A con, a liar, a thief and a fraud.

Last I heard, he was extorting the rich and screwing their wives for a living.

Which is why I’m more than a little surprised to find him at my threshold, looking for my friendship, my services, and most puzzling of all—looking humbled.

Thing is, I’m on a boycott. Literally—I cut boys from my life. Permanently.

Problem is, Bane is not a boy, he is all man, and I’m falling, crashing, drowning in his sweet, perfect lies.

Jesse Carter

Hot as hell, cold as ice.

I wasn’t aware of her existence until a fat, juicy deal landed in my lap.

She’s a part of it, a little plaything to kill some time.

She is collateral, a means to an end, and a side-bonus for striking a deal with her oil tycoon stepdad.

More than anything, Jesse Carter is a tough nut to crack.

Little does she know, I have the f****** teeth for it.


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Bane Teaser

Start the Series of Standalones Today!


About LJ Shen


L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat. Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards. She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

Connect with LJ Shen

5 Surfs Up Stars!!!

Hold on to your surf board because Bane is here!!! Catching the waves and living the high (literally) life in Todos Santos. He’s hot, sexy, tattooed up pro surfer looking to open a new business to add to his coffee shop and hotel in Todos Santos. He’s been in this town long enough to know everyone and anyone. Until he was given the name of a new guy who’s been recommended to help with funding…. 

Jesse is the gal who has been dealt the crappy life. One thing after another has dropped like a bomb in her so messed up life. She has taken to becoming the recluse. 

So when you mix the “Cocky as a rooster” and “The girl who is quieter than a dead cheerleader in a horror flick” you are setting yourself up for quite a ride! 

Exposing your inner demons that these two have, it’s a story that no one should ever have to tell. The emotional ride while reading this story was at an all-time high. 


In the long run, isn’t that what we all want to do for those that we care for? But is it the ones we care for or the ones we are paid to fix…that we strive to fix the best? 

The truths come out, the lies come out, the friends who you thought were your friends come out, the parents who you thought would be there through thick and thin come out and in the end, we find out who are the players and who are the ones that need to be punished for what they’ve done. Justice for all!!!

Whollyturlymadly this was Leigh Shen’s best work! Loved the strong character that she created in Bane. Loved the sassy, loving, caring character in Jesse. Between these two riding the waves, there shouldn’t be any issues in small town Todos Santos!!! 

I've never been this nervous writing a review, and that's cause my mind's buzzing with so many thoughts, so many memorable lines, so many impactful words, flying around in my brain. I'm supercharged and super emotional at the moment. This book is like an adrenaline rush, a 5 hour energy boost. I'm elated, electrified and horny for BANE. And a little Lady boner may have popped for Jesse. *Awkward*!!!!

Barrrrron Vicious Spencer, honey....sweetie, my throbbing clit now safely belongs to Roman "Bane" Protsenko and we shall live Happily Ever After 😍
About the Book:
It's written with so much slapstick humour. I was laughing at facetious, quick witted dialogues. The banter was rich and piquant. The emotions though that peeked out from beneath were swirling and deep like the ocean Bane surfs in. Very deep thoughts, memorable lines and very impactful style. The scenes are intricately linked and every character and setting is there to enhance the story forward. Be it the Garden Maze, Pushkin's tattoo, Shadow, Cafe Diem or the Red shiny apple! I had to read each and every word acutely, Leigh gave me no reason to skim or skip. Sex scenes were the hottest, in fact a sneaky reader got very excited reading it😅

About the story :
First chapter and my heart dropped to my knees. My soul just crumbled and I fell down, as a reader , as a woman. The worst nightmare now begins. Jesse is hiding because of The Incident . The Princess has had her knees chopped off, her sword wrangled from her and now she delves only in the Dark Guilt Cave, like an Ugly Beast. 

Everyone in town heard a version or two of my story. I was the town’s slut. Jezebel. The whore of Babylon. I’d asked for it, so they’d given it to me.
I don’t date.
I don’t do boys.
I’m The Untouchable.

Then comes a Charlatan Knight riding on a Metal Beast, pretending to salvage a wreck of a person. The Princess is rightfully wary and recoils. 
Because the Knight is hiding too, behind the Beard and Tattoos.
They're both Broken, Betrayed and Beleagured. 
The most unusual of the coupling of characters, if there ever was one. Opposites attract and such, but this isn't a fairytale or a Hearts and Flowers Love story to begin with! 
The Princess doesn't need a Prince to save her from the Dragons, she needs a mighty Sword . Cause THIS PRINCESS will save HERSELF🗡 and maybe the Prince in the process too !

A very strong message, that I heard, was that your past doesn't define you and tragedies and mishaps may scar you, but there's nothing a Loving tattoo cannot cover. Incidents you can't control, you CAN however control the Recovery !
Let go of the past. It’s no longer yours, 
About the characters :
#ViciousDethroned ⬅️ That should sum it up. 
BANE has arrived and how !! A Surfing God who makes even Vicious nervous a tad, even though Baron may deny. He's a Sexual Plumber a dick for hire
The liar. The con. The thief. The escort. his smirk, blond hair and green eyes are his weapons he uses to charm panties off of women. He's like a force of nature that stormed into my heart and just squatted there, evicting Vicious Spencer with a mighty shove and huge, thick, long #Cock ! (cause a dick like that should have it's own #)

The story has an entire album of sick people - Emery, Nolan, Henry, Darren and manipulative bitches like Mayra and Pam and there's the Alpha Jerk -Bane. And in the midst of it all is the shackled Princess.
I understood why Snow White had fallen for the trap. But I was standing right in front of my very personal witch, refusing to make the same mistake. 
I was totally submerged in the story. My head, my heart, my soul, empowered by the strength of Jesse The Warrior Princess. Sure Bane made my panties wet and my toes curl, with his deep voice telling me ,...jesse, exactly how he's gonna make me, ....jesse come and what he'll do to me,...jesse *stupid autocorrect* in bed. The scene in the storage room in the Cafe might have smoked my vibrator .....or two, BUT the heroine just totally had me awestruck ! Very rarely do we see the heroine having balls bigger then the Hero. 
Leigh's Distressed Damsel doesn't need saving by the Knight, she just needs the Knight to stand with her and hold her sword, if she gets tired for a bit.
The princess’sword was bloody.
But she refused to tuck it back in.
She wanted to leave a trail of their misery behind her, so they could always find her.

Besides the "Pounding like the Pavement" sex and "running down the leg" orgasms, there's a lot of Respect founded. Firstly for the character of Jesse and secondly for the creator Leigh. I don't know what her springboard was for her heroine, but the handling of the delicate subject matter with humour and utmost reverance (what a combo ) is what I LOVED about this book.
My heart was an animal, caged and suppressed and angry. It was hungry. Restless. Out for blood . And I was going to feed it, because new Jesse died. Her quiet, submissive corpse was left on the cool sand of the beach the evening I’d had the flashback. 
Through the viciously tragic war that Jesse fights, against her will, twice, an ambushed battle that leaves her broken, scarred and almost dead, Leigh kept her girl strong and fighting till the last of the demons were vanquished and all the villains slain, victory bugle at the end of the battle sounded real sweet because the Princess was standing equal shoulder length to the Proverbial Prince! 
Just for that , this book receives an extra star🌟
I have to mention something here- the scene in the police station, where Jesse does Line-up ID, that was brilliant. She gives herself a moment of madness without the crutch of Bane holding her up. It's like she needs a private moment to give Old Jesse a closure before she strengthens herself as the New Jesse! Very noteworthy scene!
About the Author:
Leigh enamoured me with Troy Brennan in her Sparrow. I had found a new author to salivate over. Her subsequent books have always been written well with lots of slapstick humour and characters were alpha HotHoley type. Her book covers are stuff for Spank Banks and if I was younger, those posters would be adorning my walls. She has got the pulse of the market pretty much figured out, so I doubt she needs me fawning over her books much, but I am a loyal Leigh-gioner. Having said that, I also have a moral duty as a reader to tell her where she lacked in a couple of her previous books and she's never held it against me. Which shows me her maturity and her graciousness that sets her apart.
Also I maybe a bit horny for her cause she's so pretty 😜 
“what’s the antonym of hate?”

I love ya princess, I love your men, I love your books, I love your humble heart and I love that you allow me to be your fan!
6 WhollyTruelyMadly stars 

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