Tuesday, February 13, 2018

[Release Blitz & Book Reviews] THE SMALLEST PART by Amy Harmon


Heart breaking. Heart healing. Heart melting. The Smallest Part, a contemporary friends-to-lovers romance is now available on all platforms.


“In the end, only three things matter. How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” - Unknown
It was a big lie. The biggest lie she’d ever told. It reverberated through her head as she said it, ringing eerily, and the girl behind her eyes—the girl who knew the truth—screamed, and her scream echoed along with the lie. 
“Are you in love with Noah, Mercedes?” Cora asked. “I mean . . . I know you love him. You’ve been friends forever. We all have. But are you in love with him?”

If it had been anyone else—anyone—Mercedes would have stuck out her chest, folded her skinny arms, and let her feelings be known. She would have claimed him. But it was Cora. Brave, beautiful, broken Cora, and Cora loved Noah too. 
So Mercedes lied. 
And with that lie, she lost him. With that lie, she sealed her fate.
She was the best friend, the bridesmaid, the godmother, the glue. She was there for the good times and the bad, the ups and downs, the biggest moments and the smallest parts. And she was there when it all came crashing down.

This is the tale of the girl who didn’t get the guy.

Purchase links:
Paperback: http://amzn.to/2Eibfh6
Kindle ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸http://amzn.to/2jrXE06
Kindle ðŸ‡¬ðŸ‡§http://amzn.to/2FGauOg
Kindle ðŸ‡¦ðŸ‡ºamazon.com.au/dp/B077GMCKXF
Kindle ðŸ‡¨ðŸ‡¦amazon.ca/dp/B077GMCKXF

Cover design: By Hang Le - http://www.byhangle.com/


About the author:
Amy Harmon is a Wall Street JournalUSA Today, and New York Times Bestselling author. Amy knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story. Her books are now being published in eighteen different languages, truly a dream come true for a little country girl from Levan, Utah.
Amy Harmon has written thirteen novels - the USA Today Bestsellers The Bird and The Sword, Making Faces and Running Barefoot, as well as the #1 Amazon bestselling historical From Sand and Ash, The Queen and The Cure, The Law of Moses, The Song of David, Infinity + One, Slow Dance in Purgatory, Prom Night in Purgatory, and the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue. Her novels The Bird and the Sword and From Sand and Ash were Goodreads Best Books of 2016 and 2017 finalists.

Find Amy online:


I know when starting any book by Amy Harmon, I must first get my life in check before starting. Her writing is exceptional, the words flow through the pages like rocks drifting in the bottom of a body of water. Becoming smoother with each page turned. At the end, the rocks are beautiful pieces of life that you must carry with you always. 

Mercedes lied that one day. She sure did. It was the biggest, most regretful lie she had ever told anyone. Watching her two best friends become husband and wife, parents to a beautiful child and then the storm. 

The Smallest Part is a story of realizing that you have a good thing in your life, two friends that you think you know better than anyone else that you are willing to let the one thing you hold closest to your heart…go… 

When life throws you different characters that make appearances in your life to tell you a story, listen to them. Even though the stories they tell are not necessarily ones you want to believe, they are ones you should listen to. 

The Smallest Part is the perfect title for this book. An emotional rollercoaster ride that from start to finish, your heart is pulled in so many ways. An exceptionally written, eye opening story that everyone needs to read!!! 

“In the end, only three things matter,Who He is.Who you are, and who your friends are.” 
Trust God, Believe in Yourself and Love your friends unconditionally. This was the motto Mer lived by. She lived for her Best friends -Noah and Cora. But she had a fault, she didnt believe in herself . She stepped back for Cora always, which cost her her love.
Mercedes had backed away and Cora had stepped forward. 

And Cora always wiggled in anyplace Mer occupied. Friendships, school, dates and even her salon she wanted to live Mer's life by proxy. And jealousy drives her over the edge of the cliff and she drowns in waters of her own guilt. 
That leaves Noah and Mer heartbroken and Gia an orphan.
I have only read one other book by Amy, but the sensitivities of her writing have impacted me always. The pages are brimming with emotions, characters are very real and human. Meaning they're NOT perfect. they lie, they cheat, they stumble, they fault, they step back, they cry and they're guilty. Much like real people and this makes the stroy very relatable and very endearing. There is no carcaturing(if thats even a word!) Or a cardboard like perfect two-dimensional figurines as heroes and heroines, but multi-faceted humans and they just occupy your lives while you're reading the books and stay imprinted on your soul, long after you've closed them.
Amy touches upon very sensitive subjects in the story. Suicide, post-partum depression and genetics. 
Is a child your offspring merely by blood or love counts as parenting too. A child doesn't necessarily start life in the womb, some are born from the heart and this beautiful sentiment is the basis of the story.
Blood’s important. But to a kid, blood means nothing.” 
Gia Mercedes just stole my heart. Her laughter, her tantrums, her painted toenails and her singing with Meh-Meh was too cute

The other powerful sentiment that runs rife in the story is the rogue sense of sacrifice. I've always felt that one-sided sacrifices messes up three lives and this couldn't be more true than in this premise. I loved Mer with all my heart but wanted to slap her face to awaken her to stand up for herself at least once in her life !!!! She's always been on the sidelines ....voluntarily. ALWAYS stepping aside or back and letting Cora takeover everything, which was a very frustrating to watch. . I loved Noah...omg he was perfect. Moses and Cuddy , I wanted to read more about cause I found these characters very fascinating. 

As the story draws to the end, I didn't wanna let go. Very heartfelt writing, coupled with complex characters, made it a very poignant and memorable book. Taught me a lesson of letting things go and de-cluttering my life
“In the end, only three things matter: How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” 
5 "Boozer " Stars 

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