Tuesday, November 14, 2017

[Release Blitz & Book Reviews] BODY GUARD by CD Reiss


Bodyguard, the highly anticipated new standalone from New York Times bestselling author CD Reiss is LIVE!

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Bodyguard by CD Reiss

Release Date: November 14th, 2017

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Protecting a celebrity in Hollywood isn’t easy, but protecting Emily could break his heart.
As a world-class dancer at the height of her career, Emily enjoys all the perks of fame—the parties, the glamour, the tours—but they’ve also attracted the attention of a dangerous ex-boyfriend hell-bent on getting her back.
Enter Carter Kincaid, a bodyguard so crushingly sexy he takes her breath away.
Carter’s the best in the business, and Emily is—professionally speaking—off-limits. But when it comes to stirring his desires, she’s making all the right moves. What’s happening between them is so hot it could get both of them burned. As Emily’s past gets closer, Carter is willing to break every rule of the job to save her. But letting Emily into his life also means letting her in on the secrets of his own past. For these two, falling in love could be the greatest risk of all.


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(Free in Kindle Unlimited)
Amazon Print: http://amzn.to/2xhwnUq
Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2j4VfUW

About the Author

CD Reiss is a New York Times bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets. Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels. She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood. If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine. 

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Connect with CD Reiss:

If there is one thing about C.D. Reiss books, her words are unlike any other. Something about her writing style, it pulls you in from the get go. Bodyguard is no exception.

Here we have 2 best friends who moved to California to live the dream. The dream that so many head out to California for. While Darlene is a Rockstar, Emily is her choreographer. Being in the spotlight, security is mandatory.

Carter is that bodyguard with baggage. Like bigtime baggage… He chose the security field after leaving the police department so that he could handle his baggage on his terms.

When Carter and Emily meet, they both feel the sparks. But neither one is in the right frame of mind to be in a relationship. As we travel through their back and forth of wanting a relationship, to denying the relationship, the story unfolds and we learn what is included in their baggage.

Its no secret that we, at BookBistroBlog utterly adore CD reiss's writing. Her books are a promise of excellent stories, very detailed and thoroughly researched plot and a new outlook to same old emotions of love and heartbreak. We get a ringside seat to Hollywood Circus in her new standalone series of Hollywood A-list in book 2. 
Every celebrity has a bodyguard to protect themselves from stalkers, haters, crazy fans, groupies, clingy autograph seekers, lurkers, paparazzi, you name it, they have it. Beyond all the glitz and glamour, they are practically prisoners in a golden cage, a downside to fame and wealth.
Darlene is a Rockstar singer & performer. She employs a bodyguard -Carter Kincaid , and her choreographer/best friend/ Sister from another mister -Emily Barett bumps into him and the moment their eyes lock, its instant Nervicitement for Emily. She's stalked and she needs protection and Carter protects like nobody can . Shes an excellent dancer and a singer too, her art just seeping from her every pore

If there was ever a world-class security system, Carter Kincaid was it.
“Memorize the following . . . Carter can handle himself.”

But who protects Emily's heart from Carter. Cause he carries baggage . Yes , in plural ! He keeps his private life separate from business and they never meet. Although Emily somehow falls in the crack and is stuck there !!!!
Emily is a lost soul. Alone , scared and living on the edge . Edge of fear because she has to look over her shoulders forever for her violently crazy ex. She finds solace in the arms of Carter but since she's his "Principal " professional conflict drops a barrier between them. And insurmountable wall which isolates Emily even more 

I imagined a life with people around me. People who loved me. Noise. Talking. Plans and preparations around each other. A life that buzzed with love. I didn’t picture it as unsafe. I didn’t feel the lockdown. Didn’t make sure the imaginary doors were locked. The safety didn’t come from dead bolts, alarms, and closed-circuit monitors. The safety came from family.

The story is obviously fantastic, its Christine's treatment that takes it to a mercurial high note. The sexual connection between them so scorching hot , you can feel the pages burn. I could feel and taste the passion so thick , craving so deep, it was a bummer they couldnt be tigether & had to go back to their corners. 
Lovely book, couldn't stop reading it. The FEELS got stronger as the story progresses. Phinneus was adorable and perceptive and stole my heart. The Little Naked Dancer and the Big Hulky Bodyguard love is stuff Hollywood legends are made of
CD is so besotted with L.A. , her obsession drips from her writings. 
Is that why she never visits NYC🤔. Although her fans East side (moi) are starving to meet her !!( I lost 100 lbs by starvation. JK😜) 
On a sombre note, I lost a Facebook friend yesterday -Sara Burch , a Beautiful soul and a fun filled human being. And this brought Christine's words even more protrusive 

Nothing was guaranteed. 
Life wasn’t sure, protected, or secure. 
But he made love feel as if it wasn’t a risk. 
Love was the good part. 
The joy. 
The reason. 
Love was the one thing worth protecting.
Hug your loved ones hard and tight from tonight on.
5 Fist size of my heart stars 

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