Thursday, February 16, 2017

{It's Live & Review } VENOM & ECSTASY by Shanora Williams

Title: Venom & Ecstasy
Series: Venom, #2
Author: S. Williams
Genre: Erotic Dark Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2017

I am much more than meets the eye.
I am stronger, smarter, and I won’t stop until I’m on top.
He thinks he’s safe around me. He’s a fool to believe so.
What would I do if the most wanted man in the world wanted me?
The answer is simple.
Get rid of him before he dares get rid of me.

Shanora Williams is a twenty-something-year-old who creates raw, authentic romantic stories that, may or may not, make you question what a “Happily Ever After” truly is. After hitting the New York Times and USA Today bestsellers list at the mere age of nineteen, Shanora ventured further into the creative writing world, working even harder to create unique and memorable romances for all to enjoy.
She currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, will be the mother of two amazing boys, has a devoted and supportive man, and is a sister to eleven.
When she isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on Netflix while scarfing down anything sweet and salty.


Well this was quite the ride! What a wicked web that has been woven in this 2nd installment of the Venom Trilogy.

Picking up where we left off from Passion and Venom (Venom Book 1). Draco tries his best to make Gia understand why he does what he does and is doing it all because she was 'promised' to him years ago.

El Jefe and La Patrona are making headways in building their relationship. Trust is forming, Sex is steaming and just when you think you might hear wedding bells in their future, all bonds are broken.

Once again, Gia thinks she knows everything and can trust all who have 'helped' her in the past. Even if that helping is against what others believe... Even if trusting ones who have helped her is not what she has been told to do.

This was a non stoppable read book for me. Turning the pages just to find out what would happen next... Would this web that has been perfectly spun survive? Or would it......... Bam..... have to wait for Book 3 to find out!!

Bring it on...Can Not Wait to see how this story will conclude with all the heart stopping, throw my kindle, OMG moments I had with the first 2 books.

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